a Parody of Genius
Dramaturgy/Playwright Research
“Given the choice between the myth of the natural genius and the sobering reality of hard work, popular culture usually opts for the myth. It is a far more palatable scenario; in fact, it is the Frankenstein scenario. The idea that nature, or perhaps God... endows special people with brains that allow them to do great things with no effort makes few demands on an audience, and allows one of the staples of ancient myth—the minds as spirit—to merge with the modern concept of the mind as brain.
‘My Search for Einstein’s Brain’ - Steven Levy summarizes the article he wrote in
1978and updates the story up to Witelson’s research (1999)

“Nobody did what he did to preserve a brain.”
Map of Lobes of the Brain
William Burroughs
Cut Up Poetry Film - William S. Burroughs
NOTE: I’m not going to suggest you watch Naked Lunch, this trailer is just
“The two men routinely met for drinks on Burroughs’ front porch. Harvey would tell stories about the brain, about cutting off chunks to send to researchers around the world. Burroughs, in turn, would boast to visitors that he could have a piece of Einstein any time he wanted.”
These poems in particular were the inspiration for the treatment of medical terminology within the play
NOTE: That pill bottle has a chunk of Einstein’s brain
Abraham, Carolyn. “'My Dad Has Einstein's Brain'.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 8 Apr. 2004.
Abraham, Carolyn. Possessing Genius. St. Martin’s Press, New York: 2001.
Burrell, Brain. Postcards from the Brain Museum. Broadway Books, New York: 2004.
“Dr. Thomas Stoltz Harvey Obituary.” Times (Trenton, NJ), April 10, 2007.
Hughes, Virginia. “The Tragic Story of How Einstein's Brain Was Stolen and Wasn't Even Special.” National Geographic, 21 Apr. 2014.
Kremer, William. “The Strange Afterlife of Einstein's Brain.” BBC News, BBC, 18 Apr. 2015,
Levy, Steven. “The Search for Einstein's Brain.” New Jersey Monthly, 1 Aug. 1978.
“The Long, Strange Journey of Einstein's Brain.” NPR, NPR, 18 Apr. 2005.
Oates, Joyce Carol. "Love Letter, with Static Interference from Einstein's Brain." The Iowa Review 14.3 (1984): 111-114. Web.
Paterniti, Michael. Driving Mr. Albert: A Trip Across America with Einstein’s Brain. Dial Press, New York: 2000.